Backyard Composting
Waste isn't waste until you waste it!
How the Grants Program Works!
We generally provide a modest grant of $3 per bin as an incentive to start your backyard composting program. Our main contribution was doing a worldwide compost bin search for the best bin for the lowest cost. We achieved the goal and negotiated a $36.00* per bin rate with our compost bin vendor EnviroWorld (mfr. warranty is 10 years). Shipping costs range from $4 to $10 per bin depending on volume (average is $7 per — more bins = lower shipping cost per bin). Residents must purchase the bins for $20 each. The funding agreement is based on purchasing at least one pallet which is 40 compost bins. We occasionally set up joint purchases between several Maryland municipalities to increase the purchase volume, which reduces the shipping cost per bin. For larger purchases and for funding for community composting projects please contact us.
(*Note: EnviroWorld bins cost $80 to $100 at Big-Box retailers.)

Keepin' It Simple
As you may have guessed looking at our site, we like to keep it simple.
What the project amounts to is that municipalities can order bins from our compost bin vendor (see their site for bin specs), at the discount price we negotiated of $ 36.00 per bin plus shipping to your public works department or other central location. (Note: Warranty is $10-years. EnviroWorld bins cost $90 to $120 at Big-Box retailers.)
For Maryland municipalities, all you need to do is (other states-more info below):
1) Go to our Contact Us/Funding Request Form and fill in the information including the pallet volume of bins to purchase (40 bins per pallet). We'll contact you within 24 hours to discuss the funding request. We'll then request a formal quote from our vendor EnviroWorld for $36.00 per bin plus the shipping costs. Our funding approval is usually made immediately thereafter.
2) You will then need to initiate your municipal purchase with EnviroWorld, which can be by purchase order or payment by check or credit card in advance. Remind the vendor to contact us when you make the order. At that time we'll write and mail a check to your municipality (or non-profit partner) for our up to $3 per bin portion of the vendor payment.
3) The municipality, Green Team, etc., must provide the bins to residents for $20 each and keep a record of each purchase to provide to Backyard Composting (see below). Resident can pay in advance or after the bins arrive.

To Collect Funds From Residents in Advance, or Not?
The municipality or responsible organization can either:
Collect $20 from residents in advance before placing your order with a vendor, or
you can just purchase the bins and then make them available to residents for $20. It’s up to you.
Since you can make minimum purchases of one pallet with 40 bins at a time for only $1,440 (municipal cost not including shipping) before $800 is paid back by residents — net cost will be $640), there isn’t a lot of risk in purchasing them in advance.
Our model/program requires residents to pay $20. The reason is to leverage our collective funding — Backyard Composting, grantmakers, municipalities, community funders & residents. Leveraging funds means more compost bins are placed and more waste is diverted from our landfills resulting in significant savings in tipping fees for the municipality.
See FAQ for more information. Contact us if you have questions.
Which Municipalities Can Participate?
We are primarily funding Maryland municipalities, but we recently funded projects in other nearby states. We’d love to go national if greater funding can be secured.
Any municipality in any state can order bins under our agreement of $36.00 per bin plus shipping costs. Shipping costs depend on the volume you purchase and your shipping location.
We’re also happy to support your efforts to establish a Backyard Composting Project in your community. Feel free to contact us.
Determine Who Will Be Responsible for Implementation.
The municipality, a Green Team, a non-profit, a community group or even an individual can take responsibility for implement the Backyard Composting program in your community.
Communicating the Backyard Composting Project to residents is very important. There are many ways to reach out to residents such as monthly community newsletters, e-mail exchanges, community groups sending information to their members, stories in newspapers and/or blogs/online publications, word-of-mouth, set up a table at community events, etc.
You can download flyers, sign-up forms, past stories and other materials to help you get started. They are all in a compressed ZIP file (25 MBs - 1 minute).
Receiving Compost Bin Order Forms with $20 Resident Payment & Keeping a Database
With their $20 payment, each resident should provide you a completed order form or other written document including their name, address and other contact information. E-mails from residents with that information with payment made later may also work.
Keeping a spreadsheet database of resident orders:
The Google Docs or MS Excel spreadsheet should have fields for name, address, city-state-zip, phone and e-mail.
This is for multiple purposes:
To notify residents when the bins arrive so they can pick them up (or you can delivery them).
To share with local municipal representatives and the community showing responsible use of budgeted funds.
To follow up with residents to make sure they continue composting and to address any concerns.
To provide to Backyard Composting (only name & street address needed) so we can show present and potential funders that we use their funds wisely and for the purpose stated in our grant application(s). This is one of our few requirements for providing funding.